My George! the greyhound who is my sweet companion and calm and ever present - we were both dealing with whatever was in the air in Arizona at this June 2019.
It had been a cool spring - cooler than I remembered in my whole two years here - I really have no peg to hang my hat on except to say this was a cool spring.
And I felt congested. I laid on my right side. My right sinuses are clogged but I felt the same, on the other side if I laid on my left. So I was on my right side again reading my kindle. Tented up with its cover providing me readability. If you aren't addicted to reading you won't understand. I would go out at 10 o'clock at night to the grocery store to pick up a book because I had read everything in my house. So the ability to have the kindle propped up so I could read has been priceless.
The light in the room was darkening. I long learned that my best bet for waking and sleeping was a mood light like the Philips Light. One that simulates sunrise and sunset. It was a dusky dark in my room with a dark peach hue on the walls and ceiling and my eyes were heavy. I shut them unknowingly as I "read" a Peter Grainger book. That DC Smith haunts my dreams.
Suddenly through a half asleep haze I heard haaaa...... haaaa....... a deep breathy voice you would only hear if you were watching a horror movie.
And here I was with my eyes shut. I knew that in a second. It was in my room - at the foot of my bed. I am on my right side, eyes closed and I had heard it as clear as day. Haaaaaa..... haaaaaaaa.... deep breaths
Crimmeny Jickets I felt my whole body tense. What do I do? Okay - Stop. All doors locked? Yes, for sure. How about the windows? Locked? Yes, for sure.
Laura - there is no one your house. There is no way anyone got into your house. Settle (as I say to George! sometimes - settle). Settle. haaaaaaa...... I heard. My ears had inadvertently moved.
l did have a moment of clarity - take a deep breath so you can scream I thought.
Breath taken I opened my eyes and flung the comforter and saw no one there.
It was George! mouth breathing which he rarely does unless there has been a late coming summer and he is feeling congested...
At least I think it was George!...hmmmm...
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