Monday, June 24, 2019

True to Form: My Art class

I actually did get on the road and felt a graceful peace settle on my soul.  I was listening to the music on my iPhone.  Lately, it has been finding songs I haven't heard in a long while.   I do like to drive and listen to my music.  I also had the google maps going which interrupts the music.  I was headed south down I-17.  I was to take that to the I-10 to 7th St.

Now, this is a path with which I am very familiar, having traversed it numerous times to visit family south of Phoenix.

As the voice came on to tell me to take I-10, I purposefully stayed in the left two lanes, confidence soaring through my hands on the wheel.  Life was beautiful, the songs were great.

Then 'she' told me to take the next exit...exit, exit now, I smiled to myself, I am, dear disembodied voice of instruction, just watch me.  Suddenly she said, take Jefferson, the next exit on 1-17S and make an exaggerated U-turn to get back on 17 north.

In my confidence, calm, and peace, I sped past my exit.  Yup.  This cracked me up, as closely as I was 'paying attention' to the instructions, I still missed my exit.

I checked the estimated arrival time - 1:10 still - no worries.  I whipped around and got back on I17 north this time to take the exit I had missed.  Followed the prompts to find out that she set me 'somewhere close' to my final destination.  I had to drive around the block again to reach my final destination.

The class was good, it's a six-week course on acrylics and oils.  We started with charcoal and perspective, moved on to mapping out a still life which we will start painting next week.

I like the longer courses I took at Monterey Community College, there was more time to practice technique, but it was a re-introduction that brought me back to remembering how much work I had done.

I don't hold high hopes for the finished product, but for me, it has always been about the process of creating.

Immediately after, I met my cousin and his wife for a movie and dinner.  It was one block over and two blocks south of where I was.  Darn google tried to put me on I-10 again, even after I set it to avoid highways.  Google maps - it was the exact wrong time to ask me for feedback...

ps. iloveu

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