When I was out on an earlier walk with George! it was cool and drizzling.
I heard a high pitched sound then a zap and a bit of a boom. If I were to describe it in terms that someone could understand it would be a sound from a science fiction movie, where there is a weapon that charges (high pitched sound), is fired (zap), and hits its target (boom). I also smelled an onzoney, melting plastic smell.
I walked around the outside of the house to make sure nothing had hit it. When I came in, my microwave was set to zeros, but the stove and coffee maker weren't blinking or reset. My cincy fioptics tv wasn't working, but my fioptics wifi was - I thought they ran off the same line, but now I am guessing not.
I just took Mr. Tuxedo for his last walk of the night and it feels a bit warm, balmier, not raining. There is still an smell of melting plastic in the air, my neighbor came home and confirmed that.
So I did another lap around the house, felt the boxes - nothing is warm. I came in and walked downstairs to double check again - there is no ozoney melting plastic smell there. I did find the load of laundry I washed two days ago and forgot, that's a completely different odor - argh.
So I walk up the stairs and everything is really, really quiet in the house. But the wind is picking up, I can hear it in the trees and my bell bouy bell is clanging loudly, spookily. Not in the ahhh nice rain storm little breeze way, but in the the air is balmy, ozoney, melty plasticy smelling and the wind is whipping around...
jeez...there was a beeping on Total Recall (movie I turned on a few minutes ago to fill the silence) and I have jumped a mile.
...my, my, my...perhaps too much coffee has made me jumpy. have been working on coding exercises since 11... completely focused and hooked on them... if anyone calls and doesn't get me I might be walking George! and being abducted by aliens, or I might be working on my computer and being abducted by aliens... or hiding under the covers...asking Simba to protect me from aliens... wait a minute... where's Simba... 

ps. iloveu
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