Monday, November 07, 2016

Monday, Monday....

Mondays seem to come more quickly these days.  One minute it's Monday, the next it's Friday and the weekends slip through my life with barely a notice, as I have been working through coding problems and shoring up my knowledge...suddenly it's dark out and I am looking at the clock as it is marching towards late night.

My focus is a bit scattered; when I am working on one thing I am thinking there is something else I should be doing.  I have a list of items I need to cover in case I make it to a technical interview.  There is content to study for a certification exam.  There is the house to clean which always falls to the bottom of the list :) .  Then there are my faithful companions to nurture.  And there is writing.  

Writing I save as my treat for spending hours on the computer.  Writing is a treat for me right now.  

If I could only swing getting up earlier in the day there would be time to go to a coffee shop for a writing session.  I did it yesterday and loved it.  I will try to do it again tomorrow.  Yes, that is my goal.  The one drawback is that I can't take George! with me.  It isn't like San Francisco...but I wasn't writing then.  I am a little out of step with my life right now.  Maybe that's where the distraction is coming from....

Anyway - all for now.


p.s. iloveu

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